Thursday, May 6, 2010


When I was a little girl my biggest fear was spiders. If I saw one, i would scream bloody murder and my father would come running upstairs and kill the little bugger. My husband grew up embracing spiders, escorting them outside with a paper and glass cup. Well I did my best to shield V of my inner fear. If I saw a spider I would quickly and quietly get my husband and force him to kill/escort the spider OUT of the house. I really feel like I did my best in hiding this fear. But when my husband went to London, he brought back a book called "Aaargh, Spider!." I think he thought it was a cute book and would get our kids to actually LIKE spiders. Well it did the opposite. V is now officially terrified of them. In the bathtub especially. And let me tell you, those little black lint pieces that come out in the water from the cute little toes-look exactly like spiders!

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