Monday, March 1, 2010

Grandma Nut

I thought I would introduce V to the board game of Candyland today! I thought she would LOVE it. She likes this book related to the actual board game called "King Kandy" so I thought she would really get a kick out of the actual game. When I took out all the cards and pieces to the game she definitely was intrigued. We started to "play". It took a while to teach V the rules of the game. As she was taking it all in with her eyes I noticed her facial expression change drastically when she stumbled upon the Brittle lady. She was very upset. Suddenly she didn't want the game in her vision at all. She began to cry and ordered me to give Papa the game to take to work. I packed it up and put it in the dining room. About an hour later she spotted the box and cried. She wanted that box away. I had to take it upstairs. But then later she had a feeling it was upstairs and was scared to go up there. I told her I brought it to our neighbors house and that tomorrow Papa will bring it to work. Oh well. I thought it was a fun game :(

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